Are you looking for ways to make your WordPress Website Cookies compliant

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small data files that websites put on a visitor’s computer or mobile device to store specific information about the visitor. Cookies are typically text files. It is an essential tool for providing enterprises with a greater understanding of user behaviour.

The modern Internet cannot function without HTTP cookies, but they compromise your privacy. HTTP cookies enable web developers to provide you with more individualized, practical website visits as a fundamental component of web browsing. Websites may remember you, your website logins, shopping cart contents, and more thanks to cookies. However, they can also be a gold mine of personal data for spies.

Online privacy protection can be difficult. Fortunately, even a fundamental understanding of cookies can assist you in keeping your prying eyes away from your online activities. Even while the majority of cookies are completely safe, some can be used against you in order to track you. Even worse, if a criminal gains access, legal cookies may occasionally be spied upon.

How do Cookies Work?

Most websites that utilize WordPress employ cookies to log you in. WordPress currently stores a cookie upon login to confirm and/or store your authentication (for the backend/admin panel), another cookie to show that your specific user account is logged in, and a few other cookies to customize the admin panel (or even the main website) interface to your preferences. Additionally, when people post a remark, cookies are saved.

There may be more cookies dispersed across your website depending on the installed plugins or third-party services being used. For instance, you should be aware of at least a few additional cookies on your website if you’ve added a push notification plugin or if you’re using Google AdSense.

Types of Cookies

According to GDPR, “there are three different ways to classify cookies: what purpose they serve, how long they endure, and their provenance.”


First-party cookies: directly generated by the website you’re visiting. As long as you are browsing trustworthy websites or ones that have not been compromised, these are typically safer.

Third-party cookies: deployed by third parties with the intention of gathering specific data from website visitors to conduct research into, for instance, behaviour, demographics, or purchasing patterns. Advertisers frequently utilize them to make sure that goods and services are sold to the appropriate target market.


Strictly necessary cookies: You need certain cookies in order to navigate the website and enjoy its features, like logging into secure portions of the website. Cookies that enable online stores to keep your items in your shopping cart as you shop are an example of cookies that are strictly necessary. Typically, these cookies are first-party session cookies.

Preference cookies: Allow a website to remember preferences you’ve made in the past, such as your preferred language, the area you want weather reports for, or your username and password so you can log in automatically.

Marketing cookies: These cookies monitor your online activity to assist advertisers in providing more pertinent advertising or to restrict the number of times you view an advertisement. These cookies may divulge that data to third parties or marketers. These cookies are persistent and nearly often originate from a third party.

Performance cookies: These cookies gather data about your website usage, including the pages you visited and the links you clicked on. None of this data can be used to pinpoint your identity.


Session Cookies: Temporary cookies that store information about your online actions. Without these cookies, your site surfing history will constantly be blank because websites don’t have any kind of memory. In reality, the website would treat you as a brand-new visitor with each click you made.

Persistent: After the web browser has closed, continue to function. For instance, they can save login information and passwords so users won’t have to enter them each time they visit a website. Permanent cookies must be erased after a year, according to the law.


GDPR Cookie Compliance

In May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a privacy regulation of the European Union, came into force. The goal is to establish a unified and centralized standard for data protection within the EU.

GDPR on Valid Consent

Prior to Processing

Prior to the initial data processing, consent is required. This means that in the case of cookies, they must already be stopped when a user accesses your website and remain stopped until the appropriate consent has been received.

Transparent and Legible

Users must give their consent on detailed information about how, why, and where the data processing is occurring before providing their consent. Plain language must be used to make this information understandable and accessible.

Freely given

Users must freely provide their approval. True permission cannot ever be required in order to utilize a service or fulfil a contract.


Every granted consent must be retained and safely stored as documentation that the control received it. The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) states that website owners are free to conduct this however they see fit. If an audit occurs, you must be able to present this log.

Please be sure your log includes the essential information:

  • Who? Using the IP address as an example.
  • When? by recording the time and date.
  • What? By recording the authorization (and for which category of cookies)


Users must be able to withdraw their consent at any time and as easily as it was given.


Every year, consent must be updated. Some national data protection rules, however, advise more regular renewal, such as every six months. Verify that your local data protection laws are in compliance.


You must complete this checklist prior to website visitors using it. In addition to possible fines, breaking the GDPR Cookie Compliance might cause you to lose the confidence of your users (which can be devastating if you use your website for business).

The purpose of international privacy regulations like the GDPR, CCPA, and LGPD is to safeguard user data and personal information. This means that there will be more pressure on businesses to be transparent and offer information about how their users’ personal data is processed. A cookie compliance tool is required to adhere to these requirements.

Types of Cookies Compliant Consent Banners

Before we look at how to implement cookies, let’s look at the different types of cookies compliant consent banners you can display on your website for visitors. The user is given information about the cookies being used, their length, their origin, and how to stop them from being launched in a compliant consent banner. ​

Notice Only

This is for letting your website’s visitors know that cookies are used and that, by using them further, they accept them. This strategy resembles a cookie wall and is often prohibited by most EU legislation, including GDPR.


When you inform website visitors that cookies are used and provide a button that allows them to turn them off. The cookie banner often shows a box that is ticked and asks the user to uncheck it if they want their information to remain private. CCPA and LGPD both employ this consent paradigm. ​


This strategy entails informing your visitors that cookies will be used and providing them with buttons to accept or reject them. To actively consent to the sale of their personal information, the user must tick a box or take some equivalent action. The GDPR is complied with by this consent approach. ​

Cookie Text or Cookie Message

The actual language – the textual content – in the cookie consent banners that informs website visitors about the usage of cookies is known as the cookie text or cookie message, as they are terms that are used interchangeably. Although cookies are also text files, or “scripts,” as they are known in developer jargon, they are not the ones that are being discussed here.

It also differs from cookie policy texts and messages, which are declarations of a company’s position and general strategy with regard to the privacy of its customers. It encompasses a lot more than what is covered in this blog article. No, we’re referring to the text that appears on the cookie banner, often known as the cookie text or cookie message.

Cookie Text for GDRP Cookies Compliance

The GDPR mandates that all websites with visitors from the EU have to –

  • obtain clear and unambiguous consent from its users,
  • prior to any processing of personal data,
  • after specifying all types of cookies and other tracking technology present and operating on its pages,
  • in easy-to-understand ways that enable users to consent and revoke consent on each specific category of cookies,
  • to then be able to safely and confidentially document each user’s consent,
  • Consent must be renewed annually. However, some national data protection guidelines recommend more frequent renewal, e.g. 6 months. Check your local data protection guidelines for compliance.

How to Make Your Website Cookies Compliant?

Create a Cookie Policy Statement

The usage of cookies on your site should be completely described in your policy statement (also known as an “extended notice”). Each of the following items must be present for this document to be in compliance with the law.

  • An explanation of cookies that makes it apparent to consumers that they are being used on your website
  • a description of the many types of cookies being used (by you or by third parties)
  • An explanation of how and why you are using cookies (or those of third parties)
  • A description of how users may choose not to have cookies installed on their devices is also provided (s)

To solve these issues, a cookie policy has to be established. It just so happens that WordPress makes this rather simple. Simply use the pre-built template for a privacy policy found under Settings > Privacy. To insert information (including cookies) specific to your site, simply update the template.

As an alternative, you may create your insurance using a provider like Iubenda. You must first make an account for this, choose a pan (don’t worry, they have a free lite plan), and then complete a few easy steps to generate your policy. You will be given a code after your policy has been configured. You’ll need that code to add your privacy statement to your WordPress site, so keep it close at hand.

Create Cookies Compliant Banners

You must now incorporate a consent banner (or quick notice) onto your website after completing your privacy policy. This information needs to be clearly presented so that it is the first thing a user sees when they arrive at your website. A notice that your site does utilize cookies and a link to your policy is the crucial piece of information to provide here.

Let’s look at how you can use to create and show this banner to visitors of your WordPress website.

Using Cookiebot WordPress Plugin

Cookiebot is a well-known GDPR WordPress plugin that makes your website cookies compliant. It does give some additional customization possibilities, but it’s not as simple to set up as Cookie Notice and won’t operate unless you have a free Cookiebot account.

To install:

  • Navigate to Plugins > Add New
  • Search for Cookiebot. Install and activate the plugin to begin
  • When you activate Cookiebot, a new section is added to your WordPress dashboard. To configure the plugin, visit Cookiebot > Settings in your WordPress dashboard.
  • On the Settings page, register for a Cookiebot ID by clicking the ‘Sign up for free on’ link. If you already have an ID, skip this step
  • You’ll receive your ID number via email, copy it and paste it into the Cookiebot ID text area.
  • In the Advanced settings area, enable ‘Auto-update Cookiebot’ to keep the plugin up to speed with any changes in GDPR regulations.
  • When you’re finished, click the ‘Save Changes’ button at the bottom.

You need to consider CCPA, which is the Cookie law equivalent for citizens of California. It’s likely that your website may have visitors from California, so setting up CCPA will request consent from them.

To do this;

  • Navigate to Cookiebot > Legislations
  • Check the box for “Enable CCPA configuration for visitors from California”
  • Click “Save Changes”

To complete the Cookiebot configuration, we must now return to the Cookiebot website and log in.

  • Add your website’s domain to Cookiebot’s domain group. The free version only supports one domain.
  • When you click the Save button, your visitors will receive the default cookies window when they visit your website.

After this, you have successfully configured the Cookiebot plugin, and it’ll be active on your website at all times.

To customize the dialogue pop-up that appears when visitors enter your website, do the following:

  • You’ll need to navigate to the Dialog tab from the Cookiebot website.
  • Here you can choose the location and appearance of the popup.
  • You may alter these settings to whatever you like. The settings available to you include the template, position, type, methods and button text.
  • Click the Preview button to view the pop-up.

Your website is now cookies compliant.

GDPR cookies compliant requirement for a website means redefining what data is – respecting users and their private lives, and obtaining their consent before collecting and processing any facts about them and their lives.

Using a consent solution, such as Cookiebot CMP, is a balanced method to respect your users’ private, anonymous life while without jeopardizing your statistics or online ad money.

For more Website tips and tricks, click here.

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