How to Create Forms on Your WordPress Website-2022

Whether you’re looking for feedback or you want clients to contact you, forms can help your customers or potential clients reach you. This is useful if you don’t want customers to have direct contact with you or have your personal details. If you want to respond directly to customers on the spot, you can set up Live Chat by following this guide. You can also create forms using the methods we’ll discuss in this article.

The plugin we’ll be using for this is the WPForms plugin. You can get it here.

To create a Simple Contact Form using WPForms:

  • Click WPForms > Add New in the left menu panel
  • In the new window, type the name of the form. Use a name that represents what the form should accomplish. (Eg. booking form to allow users to book service). This helps if you’ll be creating multiple forms.
  • You can select a template from the free collection. This will make it easy to set up. It’s also possible to start with a blank template. For the sake of this tutorial, we’ll go with the blank template. We’ll be creating a simple Contact form for any WordPress site.
  • On the left side of the window are all the fields you can add to your form. Some of the fields require you to pay for the Pro version. For a simple contact form, you have all you need. For names and addresses, you can use the “Single-line text field.”
  • Drag the Single Line Text field to the blank form. Click on it to edit. Change the Label to “Full Name” or “Name”. You don’t need to add a description since it’s self-explanatory. Only use descriptions to elaborate on fields that you think can be misconstrued.
  • Since customer names are important, click on Required? to make the field compulsory to fill. Do that for all fields you think are needed when filling the form.
  • Click Add field again. Next, drag the email field to the blank form below the Name field. Click on it to edit as well.
  • Change the Label if you want to. You can also click on Email confirmation, which means users filling the form will be asked to repeat their emails to continue.
  • Now add the Numbers field. Edit the label and change it to “Telephone” or “Phone Number”.I’ll advise using this for local numbers in your country.
  • Add a Paragraph Text field next. This will serve as the area your site visitors can type out the reason for contacting you.
  • Change the label to “Message”.
  • For other fields like checkboxes and multiple-choice fields, you can use that if you have specific subjects you want the person filling the form to choose from. For instance, with the Multiple choice field, you can label it “Subject” and add options like “Support”, “Suggestions”, “Wrong order”, “Order not fulfilled”, etc. Thus, site users must select one of them. You can also make them the required fields if you please.
  • Click Settings on the left menu panel for general form settings.
  • In the General tab, Add a form description. This will tell people what the form does. You don’t need to do this for Contact Forms since the name is self-explanatory. No need to mess with the Advanced section
  • Under the notifications tab, you can type the email you want to receive from inputs. By default, they’ll be sent to the site email. If you want to use another email, type that in the field provided.
  • Edit the Email subject line, “From Name” and “From Email address” fields. From Name field can be for the name of the website, and the “From email” could be the site email. Make sure whatever email you use is accessible. That way, you will receive all form updates.
  • In the Confirmations tab, edit the confirmation email that the visitor will receive after they fill out the form. You can leave the default template. It works fine.
  • Click on Save on the top right-hand side when you’re done creating. At this point, you have successfully created a contact form. Click on Preview to see how the form will look to visitors.


After creating your contact form, you want it to show on a page, say your Contact Us page or the home page. It’s simple to set up. To do so:

  • Click on the </> Embed button. A dialogue box will appear.
    Select “use a shortcode.” It’s much easier to integrate using shortcodes. It will not mess with the structure of the page.
  • Copy the shortcode displayed. (like [wpforms id=”39″ title=”false”] )
  • Go to the Pages menu and click on the page you want the form to be placed. With whatever builder you’re using (whether block editor, elementor, WPBakery, etc.), create a new section.
  • Depending on the builder, you may have a shortcode widget. If you don’t, you can use the text block widget to do this as well. Add the widget to that section.
  • Paste that code in the widget option and click Apply. You don’t have to keep pasting the shortcode after every change. Your form will be updated each time.

There you have it. It’s really that simple to create any form on your WordPress website. If you faced any challenges, or you have any questions, let us know in the comments!

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