In a previous article on how to make money online, we mentioned how great freelancing has become over the years. Fiverr has become the industry leader over the last few years. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, remote working has sky-rocketed; you didn’t have to be present at an office to work on anything. In this article, we’ll look at how to get started on Fiverr, one of the best online job marketplaces on the internet.

Leading online marketplace Fiverr provides services known as “gigs.” It’s a platform where independent contractors may post and market their digital skills to clients worldwide. Numerous jobs are available in a variety of fields, including programming, digital marketing, lifestyle, graphics design, and more. You may earn money on Fiverr doing what you love.

Create a Fiverr account

  • From the Fiverr homepage, click Become a Seller.
  • Click on Become a Seller.
  • Enter your email address and click Continue. You can log in via your Google account or Facebook
  • Choose a username. Note that your username cannot be changed once you’ve activated your account. It can be up to 15 characters max. and cannot contain special characters.
  • Choose a password and click Join.
  • You are now a registered user on Fiverr. You should’ve received an email to activate your account at this point. This activation link in the email is valid for 30 days. You’ll need to Resend the activation email if you didn’t activate after 30 days
  • Inside the email, you should see a button that says Activate Your Account. Click on it to activate.
  • You may specify how you want to get paid when you create your Fiverr profile. You can either use Stripe or PayPal. If you are Ghanaian, you know that PayPal isn’t available in Ghana, thus you probably don’t have an account. We have made a comprehensive guide on how you can create one in Ghana without hassle. Click here to read.
  • Potential purchasers can see your talents and expertise through your profile. Buyers will order your jobs based on how you show your profile. Therefore, make the most of this opportunity to impress customers by demonstrating your suitability as a freelancer.
  • Think of your profile as your closer. It’ll be the make or break of your venture on Fiverr. So make sure you’re as honest as possible while showcasing all your skills.
  • To further establish your trustworthiness with any potential clients, you should also provide your qualifications, including your schooling, background, and any certifications you may have.

Create a Gig

Now that you’ve completed your seller profile, it’s time to create your first gig to make money online.

  • Click on Create a Gig on the dashboard
  • State the Gig title. This is the name of the service you’re selling.
  • Select a category and subcategory that fit the service you’re offering.
  • Choose the service you’d like to offer buyers.
  • Type the Gig metadata. This is basic information that will make your gig stand out
  • Choose search tags that describe the service you’re offering. This can help your gig rank higher when buyers search for the service.
  • It’s time to market your gig. Share with your friends and post them on your social media. This will improve its visibility on search engines since social media platforms are crawled a lot.

On Fiverr, buyers who want specific requests can post them on the site for sellers to see. You can send offers when you’re starting. This can help you get the reviews you want to kickstart your Fiverr side hustle.

Things to Keep in Mind for a Successful Fiverr campaign

  • Keep your gigs straightforward, but give extremely specific instructions on what you want from the customer, what the gig entails, and how much it will cost.
  • Create a portfolio of projects that demonstrates your abilities in a way that allays the clients’ worries about the task they need done and assures them that you deliver.
  • To get a sense of how other experts are managing and organizing their gigs, look at other engagements that fall into the same category as the ones you want to do. This is an excellent place to start.
  • On Fiverr, your gig will be up against thousands of other gigs, making it difficult for customers to find you. Your chances of selling more rise when you apply SEO strategies like wording that is simple to understand and relevant keywords.

This article should help you create your account and your first gig on Fiverr. Don’t view Fiverr as your main job as it can be difficult in the beginning. Do not lose hope though. Continue to research and find ways to get better and you’ll begin to see improvements. If you have any questions, let us know in the comments

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