Blogging can be fulfilling and profitable, but it’s not as easy as you might think. Even if there are a lot more blogging platforms and people interested in blogging, not every blogger can find success. They make mistakes that convert their blogs into idle assets with little to no traffic.

For those who want to launch their own blogging website, WordPress does offer a ton of useful tools. However, despite all the web resources available, novice bloggers still occasionally make blunders. In this article, we’ll go over the most frequent WordPress errors that writers make out of sheer carelessness or ignorance. I want to highlight the most common blogging errors beginning bloggers make in this piece.

Mistake 1: Not Setting up Google Analytics

There is absolutely no justification for delaying the installation of Google Analytics on your blog. Even if you don’t post anything right away, you should be able to evaluate the data, look at organic growth, and determine which content draws in the most traffic.

Perhaps the majority of you believe that setting up Google Analytics comes after promoting your blog on numerous platforms and beginning to receive some visitors. But that’s a grave error. There are no WordPress starter tips and techniques more crucial than this one. It helps you to comprehend your blog’s performance in full and determine the ideal course of action to take.

Mistake 2: Not Building an Email List

Building your email list should be your primary focus, no matter what your blogging objectives are. If you write for a living, you’ll soon realize that the number of email subscribers you have closely relate to your blogging income. As soon as you publish new content, creating a growing email will guarantee that you have a continual influx of visitors.

Always try to gather contact information from your users, regardless of whether you choose a plug-in or include the call to action in your SMS. You will be able to stay in touch with them this way and send them enticing newsletters to keep them interested whenever you post something new. The same emailing lists can be used for affiliate marketing efforts as well.

Mistake 3: Focusing on What you Want to Post Instead of What Your Audience Wants

Focus on producing content that your target audience wants to read rather than worrying about the articles you want to write. How can you ascertain what your readership wants to read? Check forums on Reddit and Facebook to see what inquiries individuals in your niche are making as you begin your market research.

Additionally, you can enter keywords into the search fields on YouTube, Google, and Pinterest to see what related searches are suggested. You can use these as topics for blog posts because these are common search terms that actual people use.

Mistake 4: Not Encouraging your Readers to Comment or Engage

You should constantly invite readers to remark on your posts. Have you ever seen how a classroom seems after the teacher has concluded a crucial lecture and the students are left to remain still? It’s pretty strange. Either the students are not engaged, they are sleeping, or they are frightened to offer questions.

A blog without comments seems just like that. When new visitors arrive on your website, they might be unsure whether or not to leave a comment. They wouldn’t also have that much faith in your website. A blog with an active community, however, comes across as new, reliable, and alive.

Mistake 5: Not Doing Keyword Research and SEO Optimization

Later in their careers, many bloggers pick up knowledge of keyword research and search engine optimization (SEO). Studying these important abilities from the start can help you stand out. SEO is a method for producing content that performs well in Google and other search engines. You’ll probably get more website views as your content rise in the rankings.

The words and queries that users enter into the search box are known as keywords. Ideally, your material should show up when consumers look up topics associated with your expertise. Make sure you are optimizing the blog with the appropriate choice of keywords both while composing the blog and after it has been published. The keywords you choose should be relevant to your specialized subject and have a healthy volume of searches.

Mistake 6: Cheap & Bad Blog Theme/ Design

In the WordPress theme directory, there are a lot of free themes that are poorly coded. Or you discover that many themes are available on a freemium basis. For instance, upgrade to the pro version if you wish to use this functionality. The design is merely one aspect of your theme. Your blog’s theme has an impact on how it runs, how simple it is for visitors to use your site, how well it ranks in search engine results, and how simple it is to expand your blog and earn money from it.

To receive strong search engine traffic, expand your email list, and make money from your website, you should choose a theme that is properly coded, quick, frequently updated, and optimized.

Mistake 7: Cheap Hosting and Not Purchasing Domain

Numerous promises made by cheap hosting include unlimited hosting and unlimited disk space. Never utilize this kind of service because shared web hosting is a finite resource. They want to purchase their higher plan when your website begins to grow in popularity and traffic and you experience frequent outages.

A blog or even a website can only function effectively provided it meets the needs of its intended audience. A suitable domain name gives your blog a sense of identity and paves the way for readers to establish their expectations. Failure to purchase a domain can harm your blog’s traffic expectations and negatively impact its overall search engine position.

Mistake 8: Not Being Consistent

In order for your blog to succeed, you must consistently provide high-quality content for it. You cannot complain about not receiving any traffic while writing the occasional blog post whenever you feel like it!

Write a blog post once a week, and publish it on the same day and at the same time every week. By doing this, you’ll inevitably but steadily add to your blog’s library of entries, and your readers will start to anticipate and look forward to them.

Mistake 9: Not Promoting or Sharing Blog Posts

Even the best blog posts won’t benefit you if no one is reading them. Promotion is all successful bloggers’ secret weapon. Content promotion should take up the same amount of time as content creation. Your fantastic content will remain mediocre without excellent promotions.

Spend time advertising your blog entries after they are published on social media, your email list, Pinterest, photo-sharing websites, in roundups, on other blogs on your own blog, and everywhere else.

Although you don’t have to be active on every social media site, it’s a good idea to choose one or two that you find interesting and work on growing a following on them. The future offers you the option to diversify.

Mistake 10: Poorly Optimized Images

A superb blog can only be created when it has relevant material and unique, excellent photographs. Many WordPress blog and website owners, meanwhile, neglect to use these images’ optimizing potential. The photos you use in your WordPress site need to be optimized. It makes your website load more quickly and even raises your Google PageSpeed rating.

You can use WordPress image optimization plugins like Smush It, EWWW Image Optimizer, and TinyPNG to help you optimize the photos on your blog. These plugins will assist you in optimizing your photos for SEO and compressing your images without sacrificing their resolution.

Mistake 11: Blogging without Narrowing Down your Niche

As a new blogger, you might be fired up and eager to write about any subject that sparks your imagination and expands your vocabulary. Your blog will probably resemble a cluttered table with too much stuff on it if you let your emotions rule you.

A messy blog can never be successful. You must concentrate on a variety of specialized subjects where your knowledge and passion lie. Search engines may view your website as more reliable and complete than rivals if it thoroughly covers a specific topic. The outcome? increased traffic, visibility, and rankings.

Simply put, having a specialization helps you maintain the coherence of your content and establish your expertise.

Mistake 12: Not Creating an Avenue for Readers to Share Your Content

You must provide a method for your viewers to share your content if you want your blog to expand. Fortunately, doing this on a WordPress blog is fairly simple. Simply install a social sharing buttons plugin, and social sharing buttons will start to show before, after, or along the side of your blog article, depending on your settings.

This implies that all a reader needs to do to share your material on their preferred social media channel after reading it is click on one of your social sharing icons. A wonderful strategy to expand your blog is to encourage your visitors to share your pieces!

Mistake 13: Rushing the Process

Bloggers make the error of forgetting that blogging requires time. The average time it takes for a full-time content creator to begin making a good living from their job is three years. There are many blogs online about people who gained a lot of money quickly, but if this isn’t your path, don’t get disheartened. It was definitely not mine, and it’s okay for things to develop slowly.

Engage in blogging for the long term and relish the experience. You’ll gain so much knowledge and expose yourself to a world of professional, creative, and financial options. It is absolutely possible to earn a living blogging about a subject you are interested in. You can achieve it, but it will need planning, effort, patience, and a good tolerance for setbacks.

Mistake 14: Not Interlinking

To direct visitors to other blogs that they might find interesting, interlinking is used. Since they direct readers to more resources for the subject they are reading about, these links are incredibly helpful to your readers.

Why link your blogs together? Another really simple technique to increase your page views is through internal linking. After all, it is far simpler to persuade a visitor who is already on your website to click on a pertinent link than it is to lure them in the first place.

It also makes a significant improvement to your blog’s SEO friendliness. Your blogs’ entries would be standalone ones without interlinks, and they might or might not get enough traction.

Mistake 15: Not Focusing on Quality Content and Formatting to Improve Readability

The content that you push through your blog is arguably one of its most crucial components. If you want to ensure that you don’t make any SEO mistakes within and around it, it must be of the highest calibre.

Use headers and subheadings when designing your piece to make it easier for visitors to skim. Include short, concise paragraphs with eye-catching media, such as pictures, infographics, and videos.

Remember to edit and update your posts before posting. Think about using Grammarly as a proofreader and grammar checker, doing it yourself, or asking a friend or colleague to edit your writing for you.

Mistake 16: Sticking to One Source of Income

This is a challenging one. If your blog is earning money, you should aim to diversify your income streams. Your money should come from a variety of sources, including sales of your own items, consultancy, affiliate commissions, and advertising. Once you start getting regular traffic, experiment with these several strategies to find which ones best suit your objectives and target audience. 

At some time in their careers, many bloggers, like myself, make money as freelance writers. Others find flexible internet work, careers as virtual assistants, or other freelancing professions. Even better, you can produce and market digital goods to supplement your increasing blog revenue.

Mistake 17: Not Setting Goals for Your Blog

Starting a blog without a clear objective is one of the major mistakes that new bloggers make. Nobody starts off with everything worked out, but having a basic direction helps you be more deliberate with your time and creative energy.

It is quite simple to drift about without really doing anything if you don’t set goals and make strategies for how you are going to reach those goals.

Making plans for how and when to complete tasks is necessary if you want your blog to expand and succeed. Consider your blogging goals before committing to anything. Having a goal will help you avoid getting bogged down in minutiae later on.


Every expert once began as a beginner. If you are a new blogger like the majority of people nowadays, it is important for you to treat these errors seriously to protect the future of your blog. You don’t need to make all of these errors to gain knowledge from them. Sometimes it is preferable to take a lesson from someone else’s error.

Check your WordPress blog right now to see whether any of the aforementioned errors are being made. I’m hoping you can deal with them and take them down from your blog as soon as possible.

We hope this article helped you in your journey to becoming a seasoned blogger. If you have any questions or contributions, let us know in the comments.

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