If you’re looking to add CAPTCHA to your website, continue reading

Even if you are certain that your WordPress site is secure, you should still exercise caution. Your internet business may suffer permanent harm from a security breach. Bots are routinely used by hackers to flood your website with spam, which may rapidly become out of control.

Fortunately, a clever program can prevent spammers and bots from accessing your website. You can add CAPTCHA protection, which is an easy-to-use test that makes security possible for your website and adds an additional degree of security.

What is a CAPTCHA?

The phrase “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart” is abbreviated as CAPTCHA. Thanks to CAPTCHA, which performs exactly what its name says, computers can tell the difference between automated and human users. These jobs can be completed quickly and effectively by humans, but an automated script could struggle.

How Does CAPTCHA work?

The login and registration sections of your website may be attacked by bots, spammers, or hackers. Usually, their objective is to enter the office. Forms that ask for usernames and passwords are ideal entry points for hackers to employ. Many things might go wrong when an unauthorized user accesses your WordPress admin area, including, bringing down an online network, the spread of malware, cutting down on website traffic and causing harm to SEO.

When you add CAPTCHA to your website, visitors or form fillers would be presented with a quick puzzle to determine whether they are humans or not. These tests come in various forms like texts, images, etc. When the CAPTCHA identifies that the entry is from a bot, it’ll eliminate it from the total entries.


Types of CAPTCHA

Human-Assisted OCR

Users must comprehend distorted text or images using this popular CAPTCHA type in order to log in or finish a form.

One of the most well-known CAPTCHA tests is Google’s ReCAPTCHA, which employs human-assisted OCR. Users with visual impairments who are unable to recognize the scanned text might benefit from OCR (Optical Character Recognition). To assist persons who are deaf or hard of hearing in correctly completing the test, the OCR program offers an audio equivalent.

To get the most out of it, use it in conjunction with other plugins, such as contact form plugins. It’s an efficient and simple method for passing CAPTCHA tests. When a user submits an answer, the plugin uses response picture files to check that the answer is valid; if it is, the form can be submitted.


The user can’t do anything with noCAPTCHA or Invisible CAPTCHA. Instead, it depends on a person using your website frequently so that when they click links or other buttons, their authenticity as a human may be verified.

The display of several CAPTCHAs on the same page is possible, however, it’s typically overkill. In addition, after a number of failed tries, a dependent login can be formed and shown. You may also decide whether or not to display a CAPTCHA to visitors that are logged in.

Logic Questions

The user is presented with one or more questions to respond to in a test of logic questions. Even seven-year-olds shouldn’t have any problem completing the questions because they are often extremely straightforward.

Image Recognition

The use of text-based CAPTCHAs has gradually been phased out in favour of image-based ones. A picture is utilized to explain the concept rather than corrupted text.

Users must recognize a specific object in an image for image recognition to work. Typically, image-based CAPTCHAs require users to select photos that relate to a topic or identify those that don’t. Graphical elements like images of animals, shapes, or sceneries are used in these CAPTCHAs.

User Interaction CAPTCHA

User interaction tests involve a straightforward activity, such as moving a slider across the screen. Even though it’s straightforward, computers have trouble passing this kind of test, making it practically a flawless method of website security.

The WP Forms Puzzle Captcha plugin is one of the best User Interaction CAPTCHA in the WordPress Library. In this plugin, which functions in the same way as the Simple Login Captcha plugin, a puzzle piece fits into a slot rather than a three-digit number. Because bots haven’t figured out how to answer these problems yet, it’s an excellent way to stop them from accessing your website.

How to Install and Add CAPTCHA to your site

There are several captcha plugins you can install. Check through the plugin library and choose the one you like. If you have Contact Form 7 already installed, you don’t need to install another plugin. All you need to do is

  • Click on Contact Forms > Integrations
  • Click on Setup Integration on the reCAPTCHA option
  • In the new window, you’ll be asked to insert the Site Key and Secret Key. This uses Google reCAPTCHA so visit and fill out this reCAPTCHA form for your website.

For the reCAPTCHA form,

  • Type the name of the website in the Label field.
  • Choose the reCAPTCHA type. You can choose between v2 and v3. Select reCAPTCHA v3.
  • Type the website domain name in the domain field. For e.g. www.example.com
  • Add the emails of the owners of the website. You can add more than two emails.
  • Check the Accept the reCAPTCHA Terms of Service.
  • Check the Send alert to owners to always send a notification to all the owners listed if there is a potential risk or confirmation of bots.
  • Click on Submit.

In the new window, you’ll be provided with the Site Key and Secret Key.

  • Copy those keys and paste them into their respective fields in the WordPress backend under Contact > Integrations. Your website should now be protected with reCAPTCHA v3.

With Contact Form 7, you don’t have to set up anything. It’ll automatically be active for all forms on your website.

Restricting access to bots and automated scripts is a crucial procedure for current WordPress websites. One of the greatest ways to stop such actions on your website is by using Google reCAPTCHA utilizing several WordPress plugins.

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