How to Activate Your AdSense Account on Your Blog to Start Earning.

As discussed in a previous article, AdSense is an effective way to make money online for your video content or blog. This article will look at how to link your AdSense account to your blog websites and how to activate ads.

To learn how to sign up for AdSense, check out this article.

If you weren’t approved, go over your website and make sure it meets all the requirements and policies of Google AdSense. Once you do that, you can resubmit your application. Here are some more tips to consider if you weren’t approved:

  • Add an About page on your blog
  • Add Disclaimer and a Privacy Policy page
  • Add Contact Us page
  • Include a Terms and Conditions page
  • Make sure you have at least 30 quality articles

To activate your AdSense account, you need to add a payment method, verify your phone number and connect your website.

Adding a Payment Method

This is how Google is going to pay you after serving ads. 

  • Select your Account type: Individual or Business. Note that you cannot change this after your account has been activated.
  • Type your full name as it appears on your banking information and your address. You can write a residential or work address, but it must be active. The address must be able to receive mail as Google will send you a PIN to type in your AdSense account once it has been approved.
  • For the zip code, since we don’t use zip codes in Ghana, you can use 2332. It’s a required item, so you can’t continue the activation process without adding a zip code.

Phone Verification

This step is for Google users who haven’t verified their number with Google. If you have, just use the same number and skip this process. However, if you want to use another number or do not have a verified Google phone number, follow the steps below:

  • Choose your country code (Ghana is +233) and then type your phone number (without the beginning 0. Eg. 57505050).
  • You can either opt to receive the verification via text or call. Once the code is sent in, type it in the provided space and click Verify. It should take only a few seconds.

Connect Your Website

This is the final step in activating your website. Google will display a code on this page:

  • Copy the code
  •         Paste it into the HTML of your website, between the <head> and </head> tags. 

 If you’re using WordPress, all you need is a plugin (Google Sitekit) that will help you add the code without going into the HTML. You can also use the Tracking Code Manager.  

  •  For Blogger: go to the Earnings tab and click on Connect to connect your website.
  • Check the “I’ve pasted the code into my site” and click Done.

Google will try to search your website for the code. If the code is detected, Google will automatically begin the review process. If you were disapproved, you would receive an error message. You would have to check to make sure you pasted the code correctly and in the right place.

For now, your part is done. Google will review your website to confirm that it complies with the Privacy Policies and Terms and Conditions. The review may take a few days to complete. You will receive an email once it is done. After your site has been approved, you can start setting it up and earning money.

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