How to Add WhatsApp Chat to Your Website- WordPress.

Are looking for a way to add WhatsApp chat to your website, read on.

With WhatsApp, users may initiate a discussion or chat with your phone number right from your website. The majority of individuals utilize this as an accessible form of communication when using an instant messaging program worldwide. Utilizing WhatsApp is simple. Instead of filling out contact forms and waiting for emails, visitors who have queries may rapidly obtain replies.

The app is used to communicate with friends, family, and organizations. It serves as a platform for companies to have frank, open, and casual dialogues with their clients. For this reason, you should add WhatsApp chat to your website.

Why Use WhatsApp instead of Live Chat buttons.

Maintain Chat after They’ve left your site.
You won’t be able to get in touch with a website visitor who uses live chat after they depart. Customers also tend to depart more quickly than before since their patience is getting shorter by the day. Unless you have unlimited time to respond promptly.

However, a visitor who contacts you over WhatsApp has the same experience without having to wait on your website for a response. They have a better experience as a result, and you have more time to respond.

Personalized Conversations
Live chat has evolved into a communication tool that many firms regard similarly to email, while it formerly seemed casual and personable. For website visitors, this lessens its allure and uniqueness.

On the other hand, WhatsApp is an app that we all use daily to communicate with our friends and family. By integrating your company into that setting, you inevitably develop a more intimate connection with your clientele. especially if you are able to respond quickly and in an informal manner.

However, if you don’t want personalized conversations with clients, you should stick to the general live chat option. To install live chat on your WordPress website, read this article

To add WhatsApp chat to your website on WordPress, we’ll need a plugin. There are multiple plugins you can use to achieve this but the best in my opinion is the Click to Chat Plugin. It is simple to set up and within minutes, your button is ready.

To install,

  • Click on Plugins > Add New
  • Search Click to chat in the search bar and click on Install
  • After installation, click on Activate. The plugin settings options can be found on the left menu panel under Settings.
  • Click on it to set up.
  • On the Click to chat Interface, type your WhatsApp business number. Include the country code without the + sign, e.g. 23354123123.
  • Add a prefilled message. This message will pop up and be sent to the visitor as soon as they click on the WhatsApp button. For example, “Thanks for contacting us, how may we help you?” This helps personalize the chat.
  • If you want to add a Call to Action that will display alongside the button, then you can do so. It’s not necessary to add that. I personally don’t use it because it can take space on the web page.
  • Now choose the style of button you want to be displayed on your website. You can customize for both desktop and mobile phones, giving you the flexibility to consider screen sizes for all devices.
  • Finally, select the position of the button. Ideally, buttons should be displayed at the bottom right of the screen. That’s because it is the least intrusive position on a web page, and not likely to block any contact.
  • Click on Save Changes to officially add WhatsApp chat to your website.

You now have WhatsApp live chat active on your website. Be sure to not use a personal number or personal WhatsApp account, as you’re essentially making yourself easy to reach. Install and use WhatsApp for all business chats and calls. If you faced any challenges in adding WhatsApp chat to your website or you have any questions, let us know in the comments below!

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