WhatsApp Released Some Quality of Life Updates this week


WhatsApp released some great updates this week after testing them on the beta version for some time now. The new version allows you to have more precise control over who may see information that you don’t want everyone to see. In general, you may select to reveal your profile photo, last seen information, and status updates to everyone, all of your contacts, or no one. A new “My contacts excluding…” option has been added in the latest release.

According to the announcement tweet, WhatsApp users may now configure their Profile Picture, Last Seen, and other contact data to appear to all contacts save a few pre-selected ones who will not see these aspects despite being contacts, thanks to the new option.

Another new feature in the latest upgrade is the ability to mute a member in a group call. You may silence them, and the participant can even mute himself. This feature is beneficial since it will aid in improved communication and comprehension of the issue being discussed during the conversation. This update will make it easier for you to host business meetings. There have been multiple instances where some participants forget to mute themselves creating chaos during the meeting.

During the group calls, you may also send messages to a participant. This is useful when you want to send a note to another participant to correct something or joke about something only you and your friend would understand. 

When a new person joins the call, you will be alerted by an indicator.

These new upgrades will be rolled out to all devices over time. On any device, users will be able to join group calls on WhatsApp. This new WhatsApp version will be available to all users, regardless of whether they have an Android, iOS, Windows, or Mac. It may take some time for this update to reach all devices, but it is being worked on quickly, and it is expected to be accessible to all users by the end of the year.

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